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  • Store Policy | TLS Marketplace

    STORE POLICY CUSTOMER CARE I’m a customer care section. I’m a great place to update your customers about your shipping methods, packaging and costs. Use plain, straightforward language to build trust and make sure that your customers stay loyal! I'm the second paragraph in your customer care section. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It’s easy. Just click “Edit Text” or double click me to add details about your policy and make changes to the font. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you. PRIVACY & SAFETY I’m a privacy & safety policy section. I’m a great place to let your customers know what to do in case they’ve changed their mind about their purchase, or if they’re dissatisfied with a product. Having a straightforward refund or exchange policy is a great way to build trust and reassure your customers that they can buy with confidence. I'm the second paragraph in your privacy & safety policy. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It’s easy. Just click “Edit Text” or double click me to add details about your policy and make changes to the font. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you. WHOLESALE INQUIRIES Please contact us for inquiries on wholesale ​ PAYMENT METHODS Credit / Debit Cards PAYPAL Offline Payments Payment Methods

  • Live Blood Analysis | True Life Solutions Marketplace

    Healthy Cell Solutions Live Blood Analysis In our journey to great Health & Wellness, we realize our cells are at the foundation. Wellness Information & Education is the key to opening this door. Healthy Cell Solutions is about Blood Microscopy,(Light Field). That means we can take one drop of blood and while it is still alive, we put it under a micron microscope. It is amazing what you can learn and see. It is good to know you can improve your cellular strength and health naturally when you have the information to go forward. To see if you may have bacteria in your blood, or parasites. Are you digesting foods and protein in a way that is helping you to feel great or maybe feeling not so great. ​ How is your immune system working? and then there is the question… Are your platelets starting to aggregate? This simply means are you starting to form clots? Is you body producing uric acid? Do you have excess sugar or are you digesting carbohydrates? Do you need more folate or vitamin B12? How would you Know? ​ This is what google says: Nutritional Microscopy is an evaluation routinely used by holistic medical, osteopathic, chiropractic and naturopathic physicians, as well as other health care professionals around the world, providing an insightful view of your internal environment, referred to as your “biological terrain”. In my personal opinion there are dozens of benefits to knowing what your live blood looks like and to know what is going on inside your blood stream. I know for me when I had lots of bacteria and yeast in my live blood I was able to take a specific digestive enzyme and after a time of taking it, I felt so much better and a recheck of my blood showed a dramatically reduced amount of bacteria and yeast in my live blood. In one of my screenings I saw lots of what is called “target cells” this means my blood may not be transporting as much oxygen to the cells of my body due to lack of B12 or folate. If left untreated this can cause fatigue and anemia. ​ When it is seen you can supplement and avoid becoming anemic. For me this has been a very valuable tool for keeping me informed and giving me information about my health. I can choose a natural way to stay healthy. Education is key in any area. And being knowledgeable about the health of your blood, your life force is no different. ​ Live Blood Analysis can show: The condition of red blood cells * Bacteria, parasites, Candida /yeast /fungi * Folic acid, B12 and Iron deficiencies * Free radical damage * Undigested Proteins and fats * Uric acid crystals * Risk of Gout * Poor circulation * Oxygenation levels * Evidence of Hormonal Imbalances * Plaque and Cell or platelet aggregation (starting of clots) ​ In the photos below you can see the sample on the left, the plasma is milky and full of spickules and ghost cells. On the right this is the same person just a few hours later after taking specific enzymes that is built to clear up this challenge…. ​ A benefit would be that this person was not feeling very well when they first came to see me. As you can see with the challenge being mostly cleared up, they felt much better… ​ THAT IS A BENEFIT! YES? Evi Thank you! Thank you for a most intriguing and fascinating day. I'm still trying to digest and process everything and I'm sure I will have questions as it's impossible to remember everything. But I'm so thirsty for the knowledge and so fascinated to actually see my own life force with my very own eyes! I think everyone should experience this. Maybe they would take better care of themselves when they see how hard our little cells work. It's a blessing I met you and had a opportunity to witness your amazing work. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and for your compassion. Lawrence H. De La Cruz M.A. When I visited ms. Stirling I was very ill from several infections. I was fortunate enough to receive an Analysis from Ms. Stirling. I was informed of some anomalies in my blood that Ms. Stirling explained in depth and the consequences of a failure to treat the disorders that she observed. I was at a point where I could only start with a few of her suggestions. Which I did faithfully and started to notice relief of some of my symptoms. As time went on I was able to start nutritional supplements suggested by M. Stirling. The results are very positive and I am feeling better. My digestive tract seems to be healing and I am feeling better as time goes on and I use the supplements that she suggested. I am feeling better and more positive. I am so grateful for her assistance and recommend her services to anyone who has tried western medicine and still felt unaided. Vicki K (joyoligist) I had been sick on and off since January. After months of the symptoms, I was finally diagnosed with a sinus infection. After rounds and rounds of antibiotics, steroids ( too many to count) and multiply trips to doctors offices and ERs. My energy level was down and I felt terrible because of the medications and I still had the infection. At the end of October, I was finally in town long enough to make an appt. with Sheila to have a blood analysis done. We discovered my white blood cells were quite sluggish along with a few other things going on. She set me up with a few fabulous supplements to rectify the situation. After 2 days of being on the supplements, my energy levels increased and I was able to go back to my regular exercise program. My sinus infections symptoms decreased. For the first time in months, I felt like myself. Thank you Sheila. I recommend everyone see Sheila and to have their blood analyzed. She definitely was the answer to my prayers! Live Blood Analysis | Healthy Cell Solutions Please fill out the following form in order to schedule Live Blood Analysis Complimentary Consultation First Name Last Name Phone Email Best Day To Contact You Best Time To Contact You Comments I understand the investment for this service is $195 & I will be contacted for a complimentary consultation by phone to go over the proceedure & asking any questions I may have. Following that we may choose the best day & time for my appointment. Submit Thanks for submitting!

  • Nutritional Microscopy Course | TLS Marketplace

    Healthy Cell Solutions Live Blood Nutritional Analysis Certification Course This is a 4 week course ​ W hat you will learn: Welcome and overview The History of live blood Microscopy Fundamentals of Microscopy Nutrition & Microscopy Conditions & What To Look For Ethics, Procedures & Going Forward Video Training & Misc. Data Information On Microscope Final Exam Hard copy of your your certificate of completion upon successful completion of the course Who is this course for: Anyone who wants to be more informed on their health while having the ability to help friends & family. Those interested in taking a deep dive into how nutrition effects the blood cells Anyone in the medical or alternative medicine industry Wellness practitioners Materials Required: Computer or Smart Phone Internet Access Benefits of the Course: Learn how nutrition has an effect on the quality of your blood & the quality of your well being Gaining a skill set and knowledge to expand your current business on live blood microscopy Expand your knowledge to help family and friends Materials Provided to you: All necessary materials are provided Downloadable Chapters sent to you via email 2-3 times a week. 30 Min. of Lab videos and more A Provided link to access a library of live blood videos with tutorials Final Exam at the conclusion of the course Hard copy of your your certificate of completion upon successful completion of the course ​ Course Description: ​ Welcome: “Live Blood Microscopy”? ​ In most other countries Blood Microscopy “Live Blood Analysis” is considered a diagnostic. In western medicine we call it “Live Nutritional Analysis” because in the United States the emphasis is Not on prevention. Still Knowledge and education are the keys to opening the door to optimal health and wellness. What if I were to tell you that your blood is always in a constant state of change and what we do, what we eat and what we think really does have a huge impact on the health and wellness of our blood and so our body, mind and spirit. I do really love diagnostics. ​ Our blood is our life force, It has the amazing capacity to share important information with us on how we are doing on a moment to moment basis. So lets dive right in and discover some of the pit falls of not knowing and some of the ways to insure you have and know how to spot “happy blood”! ​ Microscopy: In one drop of blood you can actually see if your cells are beginning to stick together, you can see if you are digesting proteins and sugars. You can see if you have fungus or yeast in your blood and bacteria. You can see if your immune system is working, your digestive system and the list goes on and on. ​ If your blood has a few of these situations happening not to worry, first of all it’s not all your fault. In some cases more than others but in today's world if you are breathing the air, drinking the water and even if you are eating all organic it is amazing at what ends up swimming around in your blood stream. Sheila Z Stirling has a Phd. in Natural Health & philosophy. She is also a Certified Lymphologist, Certified live blood microscopist and more certificates and healing modalities than she can list here. If it had to do with the body, mind or spirit, Sheila Z wanted to know all aspects of it. She has been in the holistic wellness industry for almost 30 years. That sounds like a long time and she has loved every moment. ​ Her studies have taken her down many roads and she confesses it was all about saving herself way back when. At a young age Sheila Z was interested in medicine as her family was highly prone to diabetes and heart disease. In fact both her grandparents died from diabetes before she had an opportunity to know them or even meet them. And her dad died from Lymphoma, & Leukemia in 1981 and about 6 month later a blood test would show that Sheila Z herself had Lymphoma as well. She knew in her heart that just wasn’t true and realized that she indeed was an empath and that is a whole other story. Sheila Z quickly went to work discovering and learning ways to protect herself and also began her research on food as medicine. Actually that research started long before that time as she was able to help her mom get off of her daily insulin shots for her diabetes when she was 30 years young. ​ After about 3 months of Sheila Z's diagnosis, a blood test would show she no longer had Lymphoma and the doctors said it must have been a misdiagnosis. She was happy to smile and go along with what ever they said, she had a clean bill of health and so grateful for it. Since that time there have been many challenges that pushed her to go deeper and deeper into the inner workings of our amazing bodies and just how to transform a challenge into an opportunity. As Sheila Z Says, "The Body Wants To Be Well". Live Blood Nutritional Analysis Certification Course Please fill out the following form in order to schedule a call with Sheila Z PhD. First Name Last Name Phone Email Best Day To Contact You Best Time To Contact You Comments ​​I understand the investment for this Live Blood Microscopy Certification Course is $750. Which can be paid in full or 2 payments of $400 each within the 4 week period. Submit Thanks for submitting!

  • Fitness | B3 Science | True Life Solutions Marketplace

    JOIN US What can B3 Bands do for you? Choose from below to Learn More Health Blood Sugar Health Bone Health Brain Health Growth Hormone Effect Heart Health Immune Health Obesity Pain Thyroid Health Vein Health Results Build Strength & Muscle Kids Love It Lose Weight & Tone Up Physically Challenged Rehab Better Seniors Can Do It Walking Never Did This Who is Using B3 Bands Perform Golf Program Perform Better Pickleball Program Run, Bike, Swim Speed Training Program Tennis Program Fitness Resistance Bands $24.95 Regular Price $14.95 Sale Price View Details B3 Live Interview with Todd Durkin Play Video B3 Live Q&A with Todd Durkin Play Video B3 Health Pro's Presentation Play Video What the Pro's are Saying about B3 Bands Play Video B3 Athletic Pros - Powerlifting - Chris Duffin Play Video 5 Minutes with Rick Burkholder Play Video B3 Testimonial - Larry Individlia Play Video B3 - What Doctors are Saying Play Video What The Pros are Saying Watch Now B3 Live Q&A with Todd Durkin Play Video Share Whole Channel This Video Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied Share Channel Info Close The Growth Hormone Effect Realize more Growth Hormone than you have ever experienced from exercise ​ Exercise with B3 Bands creates a fast and deep fatigue or exercise burn This burn is a metabolic disturbance in the muscle due to reduced O2 and Lactic Acid buildup This is the key to getting post-exercise Growth Hormone Surge Deeper fatigue and burn from B3 Bands equals more Growth Hormone released More Growth Hormone equals Faster and Bigger Results LEARN MORE TAKE A TEST DRIVE Weight Loss has never been this Easy How to Lose Weight Fast and Permanently with 'After Burn' ​ Learn this Secret Harvard Medical wants you to Know With B 3 BFR Bands, you can access 'After Burn' in less than 20 minutes a day You will never have to go to the Gym or do High Intensity Exercise once you start using BFR With B 3 BFR Bands, Weight Loss happens Fast and Fat is Shredded Guaranteed to Lose Weight Fast in 30 Days or Your Money Back Optional $0 Down / 0% Interest 6 Payment Program via PayPal LEARN MORE TAKE A TEST DRIVE The Only Multiple Air Chamber Bands Only B 3 Bands have Multiple Air Chambers (Patented) ​ B3 Bands do not create a Tourniquet Effect B3 Bands do not require a Doppler to measure Blood Flow #1 Bands for Safety #1 Bands for Comfort #1 Bands for Ease-of-use Preferred Bands of USA Olympic Teams LEARN MORE TAKE A TEST DRIVE Take a 30 - Day Test Drive Guaranteed Results or your Money Back ​ $290 of Free Gear and Free BFR Coaching Our B3 BFR Bands come with a 30 Day Program & your Personal BFR Coach to assist you at anytime Free Set of Exercising Tubing so you can Workout Anywhere B 3 BFR Bands come with No Risk 30-Day Money Back Guarantee B BFR Bands come with 12 Month No Hassle Warranty Optional $0 Down / 0% Interest 6 Payment Program via PayPal site . LEARN MORE TAKE A TEST DRIVE Backed by Science Your Body and Health changes Fast with HGH ​ With B3 BFR Bands Growth Hormone (HGH) Surges Most people have never experienced a HGH Surge from their Exercise until they use B3 BFR Bands Normal Exercise cannot do this for 99% of People Build Strength & Muscle Fast with B3 BFR Bands Proven to burn Fat & shed Weight Fast Improves Function and Performance Fast Health Benefits to Heart, Bones, Brain & More B3 BFR Bands are as Safe as Normal Vigorous Exercise BFR is Backed by Science and Research If for any Reason you are Not 100% Satisfied, Contact Us within 30 Days for a Full Refund LEARN MORE TAKE A TEST DRIVE

  • Shungite | Millennium Products | TLS Marketplace

    SHOP NOW What is shungite? Shungite is a Precambrian carbonaceous natural stone of organic origin. It is often called a miracle stone or stone of life and a healing mineral due to its astonishing positive properties. Scientists say that the mineral is approximately 2 billion years old and it starts its existence long before life existed on Earth. Thus, it has been accumulating the energy of the Earth for thousands of years. Up until now there is no one single answer in scientific circles of how this stone appeared. It is found in its raw authentic form only in the Republic of Karelia, the Russian Federation, where the only deposit of it names Zagozhinsky is located. What makes shungite so special? ​ It is all about its unique structure consisting of fullerenes, which is a crystalline modification of carbon. Fullerenes are believed to be the most powerful antioxidants that shield cells of our bodies from the affect of free radicals. The spherical molecules of fullerene in shungite carbon make it highly useful for people using shungite. Elite Shungite is the most rich in fullerenes. What are the benefits of using shungite? In a modern world shungite is widely used in various fields including metallurgical and chemical industries, agriculture, medicine and spirituality, to name but a few. The brightest properties of shungite that made shungite famous all over the world are water purification, physical and spiritual healing, and protection against electro-magnetic frequency (EMF) radiation that is surrounding us in the form of gadgets in the modern days. Besides, shungite can neutralize geopathic stress and tension, activate healing properties of the human body an d provide physical and spiritual healing to a person using it. All these properties contribute to the fact that this stone is so popular all over the world. What is EMF? How does it affect us? How can shungite help? Electro-magnetic frequency (EMF) vulnerability appears to be an extremely pressing issue nowadays and most of people are exposed to the effects of the EMF due to the fact that they surround themselves with gadgets and electronic devices. In the modern world of developed technologies most people are highly exposed to the EMF radiation and shungite has proven to be a powerful remedy in this regard. ​ There is several scientific research that prove the fact that shungite is efficient in reducing the negative effect of such devices. In order to ensure comprehensive protection against harmful EMF it is usually recommended to use several shungite items to reduce the exposure to radiation-emitting devices. The more shungite items you have around you, the more multiplying positive properties against EMF shungite grants you and the more protected and less exposed to the EMF you are. ​ What is geopathic stress? How does it affect us? How can shungite help? The exposure of most people to geopathic stress is also a disturbing issue nowadays. Geopathic stress appears to be a result of spending time in the zones where the natural energy of Earth is disturbed by weak electro-magnetic frequency (EMF) stemming from certain mineral concentrations, underground steams, electricity networks,etc. Spending time in geopathic stress zones could lead to such symptoms of geopathic stress as headaches, insomnia, fatigue, weakened immune system that affect our performance, well-being and health. Shungite has proven to be a perfect solution when it comes to coping with geopathic stress and reducing the negative effects of the geopathic zones. Shungite Shapes Spheres Spheres radiate energy in all directions at the same time, and have the ability to move energy through time. These spheres are great energy tools to use during meditations. ​ Shungite is a rare, carbon-based, noncrystalline rock that comes from the Karelia area of Russia, in a village called Shun’ga, from where it got its name. This unique, black mineral may have dated as far back as two billion years ago. It contains fullerenes, which are molecules composed almost entirely of carbon. Shungite, which looks similar to coal, has the ability of conducting electromagnetic and geothermal energy, and yet absorbs and shields the body from electromagnetic emissions such as those caused by computers, microwaves, Wi-Fi and the like. ​ Shungite can also absorb negative energy and remove it from a person or even an entire space. It will replace stress and negative emotions into positive energy, while at the same time keeping the user grounded and protected. ​ Not only does Shungite remove negativity, but will also rid the body of pollutants, bacteria, viruses and free radicals. Use Shungite to detoxify the body, bolster the immune system and relieve pain and inflammation. It can ease headaches and insomnia. Shungite helps with a variety of issues and ailments, from asthma and arthritis to chronic fatigue syndrome, pancreatic conditions and cardiovascular disease. ​ Shungite is a hard-working, no-nonsense mineral. It needs to be recharged and cleansed on a regular basis in order to continue its work. ​ How to order Shungite Shapes We have different shapes and sizes for the best authenticate quality. Perfect for 5G protection. Shungite Bracelet This bracelet uses the natural and genuine properties of shungite – one of the most unique healing stones with healthy properties. The Shungite Bracelet is crafted on a strong latex-free stretchy cord so it can slip on to your wrist easily. It can help shield you from harmful electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) from cell phones, computers, Wi-Fi, cell towers, TVs, etc. This healing bracelet will fit comfortably to a size fitted and may be nice gift idea. Note: the bracelet you receive may look slightly different to the one in the photographs. Shungite Bracelet $49.95 (IncludesS Shipping) Shungite Pendant Shungite worn next to the skin is especially popular – even our remote ancestors used them. Today people who believe in the existence of such phenomena like “evil eye” and “evil curse” often wear shungite. It’s singled out among various materials for its unique protective properties to protect the biofield (karma). ​ Electromagnetic radiance of household appliances and measuring devices greatly affect the human health. That’s where wearing shungite as a pendant becomes beneficial. Due to its wonderful ability to reflect harmful electromagnetic radiation (including the new 5G network signals), this unique mineral reduces the risk of your biofield deformation, keeping your health and psychic in normal state. ​ When you wear the shungite pendant long term, the biofield becomes stronger, body energy improves, sleep comes to normal and nervousness is reduced. When working or being active, your efficiency increases and improves one’s attention Shungite Pendant – $39.95 (Includes Shipping) Shungite “Elite” Noble Pendant $39.95 (Includes Shipping) Shungite Stone Crystal Plate $30.00 (Includes Shipping) Shungite Water Stick $29.99 (Includes Shipping) Shungite has been used in medical treatments since the early 18th-century. Use the Shungite Water Stick to create shungite water, a powerful anti-oxidant and cleansing health drink. SHOP NOW

  • Our Story | Tlsmarketplace

    OUR STORY THE BRAND I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It’s easy. click “Edit Text” or double click me to add your own content and make changes to the font. Feel free to drag and drop me anywhere you like on your page. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you. THE AUTHOR I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It’s easy. click “Edit Text” or double click me to add your own content and make changes to the font. Feel free to drag and drop me anywhere you like on your page. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you.

  • FAQ | Tlsmarketplace

    FAQ THE MOST COMMON QUESTIONS Frequently asked questions #demo.question.question1# #demo.question.question1.answer1# #demo.question.question2# #demo.question.question2.answer1# #demo.question.question2.answer2# #demo.question.question2.answer3# #demo.question.question2.answer4# #demo.question.question2.answer5# #demo.question.question3# #demo.question.question3.answer0# #demo.question.question3.answer1# #demo.question.question3.answer2# #demo.question.question3.answer3# #demo.question.question3.answer4# #demo.question.question3.answer5# #demo.question.question4# #demo.question.question4.answer1#

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